ECPI Global Developed ESG HY Corporate Bond

The Index selects non-investment grade ('BB' to 'B') global corporate bond issues denominated in major currencies which have a positive ESG rating according to ECPI ESG Rating Methodology.

Last update:

  • Ticker ECAPHYCB
  • Calculation End-of-day
  • Components 826
  • Weighting Cap Weighted
  • Excluded Sectors NO
  • Rebalancing Frequency Monthly
  • Last Value 1633.30
  • Daily Return -0.20 % (-3.27)
  • Weekly Return -0.36 %
  • YTD 4.28 %
  • 1Y 10.75 %
  • 3Y 7.96 %
  • 5Y 18.60 %
  • CAGR 7.53 %
  • Annual Volatility %
  • Var 95% %
  • Var 99% %
  • Max Drawdown -19.84 %
  1w   1m   3m   6m   YTD   1y   3y   5y   Max

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