ECPI Global Developed ESG Best in Class

The Index represents global developed market companies selected on the basis of their ESG performance as measured by ECPI ESG ratings and scores (Best-in-Class approach).

Last update:

  • Ticker GALPHBCN
  • Calculation End-of-day
  • Components 494
  • Weighting Cap Weighted
  • Excluded Sectors NO
  • Rebalancing Frequency Quarterly
  • Last Value 3811.50
  • Daily Return -0.16 % (-6.10)
  • Weekly Return -0.42 %
  • YTD 16.50 %
  • 1Y 26.52 %
  • 3Y 44.27 %
  • 5Y 94.25 %
  • CAGR 17.99 %
  • Annual Volatility %
  • Var 95% %
  • Var 99% %
  • Max Drawdown -33.49 %
  1w   1m   3m   6m   YTD   1y   3y   5y   Max

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